Thursday, August 26, 2010

Death of a Mechanic

Penelope was on a space station; she wasn't sure where it was, exactly, but she thought it was somewhere near the moon. She was part of a large group of space travelers. She was in a souvenir shop there with some friends when the manager got a phone call. "Low fuel?" he said, a terrified look spreading across his face.

Suddenly he announced "Everything is fine, but you all need to get out of the shop immediately." Everyone got out and the manager turned the lights off and shut the door behind them.

Penelope and the other travelers gathered in a large room together. The windows were getting covered with a thick frost, almost like they were covered with snow. Penelope noticed two mechanics in a far corner, working on something. Penelope crawled over to see what was going on. One of them picked up his cell phone and called someone. "Hey baby," he said, "I love you. Goodbye." Penelope didn't understand why he was saying that. Hadn't everyone been telling them this was common? Nothing to worry about?

Another traveler near Penelope asked the other mechanic "oh he going to stab himself?" Penelope was apalled. "How in the world is that a logical conclusion?" she wondered to herself. But the mechanic just nodded, slowly and sadly, as the one with the cell phone pulled something out of his pocket and stabbed himself with it. Penelope would never forget the way the dead mechanic was taken away on a makeshift stretcher and then launched out into space. But there wasn't really another form of burial here in space. It had to be done.

The space station began to rock back and forth, throwing the passengers around violently. Penelope was scared. Were they all going to die here after all? Why else would that mechanic have killed himself?

But soon, things went back to normal and everyone returned safely to Earth.

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